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The Availability Section

The 'Availability' section is where you can manage yours or your staff's availability for working on jobs. It's a calendar-based interface that allows you to mark out dates and times when a specific team member is not available, ensuring that the booking system only accepts reservations when you can actually provide services.

Understand Calendar Markings: Dates marked in red indicate times when a member of staff is unavailable. If a date is not marked, the system assumes you are available.

Use of 'Ignore Driver Availability' Option: When this is switched on, Engine X will ignore driver availability in the calendar below and only check if you have a vehicle big enough for the booking available at the time the customer requires.

Setting Availability

Add Unavailability: Click the '+ Add' button to mark new times when you're unavailable. This will prevent the system from booking jobs during these times. Alternatively you can click on the day you want to block out, or click and drag to block out multiple days. After clicking add, you’ll be presented with the following pop up. If you have simply clicked a date, you’ll have to click the unavailability marking to open the details.

Select whether the unavailability applies to a single person or everyone as well as the start and end date and time of unavailability.

Click Save to confirm.

If you want to free up a period again, simply click the unavailability marking.

Then in the pop up, instead of altering the details, simply click the Delete button.


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